EMDR Therapy in Calgary & Area
EMDR Therapy is a unique field that combines counselling skills with the use of bilateral stimulation, which engages the brains natural mechanism for processing emotions. EMDR is a useful modality for finding relief from the effects of both current and past traumas.
Whatever your individual case, our EMDR therapist will design each of your sessions specifically for you to meet your needs and goals. He will evaluate your progress and provide feedback to you and/or your healthcare team as requested or required.
EMDR therapy sessions are helpful for people of all ages, including children. It can help with:
Emotional Disturbances
Physical Disturbances
Social Relationships
Core Beliefs
EMDR therapy sessions can also be extremely beneficial in specific areas of need such as:
Facing challenges with anxiety and depression
Working through trauma
Recovering from a variety of negative patterns
Alleviating feelings of helplessness
And much more.
Please contact us at Wood Counselling & Therapy to discuss your specific EMDR therapy needs and goals.